The Concepts

All creatures in Bakuh are concepts


Every being in Bakuh is called a concept. Concepts wear morphemes woven by Languages. Inside each concept, there are streams of knowledge flowing like blood or pulsating like nerve networks.

The winds are called humans, gente, mensen, or 人们.

Journal Entries


Concepts live in houses made with History's bones. In each house, they hangout either with concepts that are similar to them or invite guests over. The concepts eat time. Some meals can get cooked by the fires of history, while others can become poisonous for a concept, making a concept ill. 

Once created, concepts never die although they often get renamed. However, a concept can stop becoming meaningful to the winds and go undetected if it is diluted by superficiality or afflicted by indifference.


Models are born with a mission. They try to be of the utmost usefulness to the winds. They are one of the main species in Bakuh. Their lives are punctured by sacrifice. They only travel with the essential and make litographs. 

There are some models that move around a lot. NiGEM has a home in Xen and a summer house at the Port of Monte Carlo. Another model is called the Brain. Brain befriended wind spirits called the Lobes: Parietal, Occipital, Temporal, and Frontal.


Questions are like plankton that swim in the ocean. When a concept touches a question, the plankton seems to radiate blue energy through invisible vines holding Bakuh together. Insights are like boba, or delicacies that concepts like to eat and gift each other. Yum.


Ideas are one of the most precious creatures in Bakuh, tiny orbs of energy that can differentiate into models, products, or entire cities. All concepts in Bakuh try and work together to develop and fashion ideas into tight-knit sweaters. The sweaters can give birth to a new concept or can get used to intertwine two concepts into one.

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