
A collection of wizarding tribes who cast spells called algorithms.


A young wizard trains their whole life. When they are ready to become a module the winds will give them a rock called a Spec. The rock will specify a quest and once the wizard completes it, they will be ready to join a library or form their own.

Journal Entries


Each grain of sand is a bit. For now, bits appear as one or zero. Files, or giant jellyfish that roam the desert, consume the bits. It is a wizard’s job to raise and tend to jellyfishes by ensuring the jellyfish can store and transport bits efficiently. The jellyfish live as moving tattoos that glow on a wizard’s skin. The color of the jellyfish is one way the wizard identifies what type of file it is. Mosji balls are a desert in Fortan. They are made from crushed white desert bits.


Spells are called Algorithms.


Web APIs are coral reefs in the desert.


Between Fortran and Tii, there is an underground city built on a made from purple stone.


Modules live in communities called Libraries. They are a collection of files, or the jellyfish that float around the desert.


Spells are trapped in jellyfish called files. A wizard activates a jellyfish by sending a flash of light, or thread, into the jellyfish. Some flashes of light are bound with CPU energy while other are bound with GPU energy. The flashes of light gather sand, or bits, and pass it through the jellyfish.

The Libraries

Libraries can be associated to any of the Coding Languages tribes, like the House of Java, the House of Python, and the House of Prolog. The package managers maintain the relationship between different houses. The package managers are similar to pet guardians. For example, one of the pets of the House of Python is Pip, a lizard-like puppy. Other pets are brew, apt-get, and npm.

Every library keeps a unique calendar, or version number. A library's calendar consists of three numbers separated by periods (XX.XX.XX) which corresponds to (major.minor.patch).


The Git holds the ancestry of many people in Fortran. It is a realm where a module might teleport back in time across the Git Graph.

The Repo

The Repo is where wizards communicate with their ancestors and different versions of themselves.

To celebrate changes in their calendar, each house has a tradition called "The Release." A wizard takes a pebble that stores their current selves to the ancestral garden. At the edge of the garden, they let go of the pebble. As the pebble floats toward a tree bearing the library’s name, the pebble lets out a stream of vapor the elders call the "changelog." The wisps of smoke ensure the winds know what the library accomplished.

Although each change of their version number necessitates a Release, the major version will be a momentous event similar to celebrating a new decade, while the minor version is similar to celebrating a year, and the patch is similar to flipping a calendar to the next month.

Data Types

All tribes believe in gods called Data Types and build Data Structures, or containers, to store the gods' powers.

Data Compressors

Other libraries specialize in data compression, which they use to build pottery that translates the winds of “the human world” into the water of “the number world.”

Operating System (OS)

The Operating Systems are the giants of the desert. They get activated by the winds. Rather than a heart, they have hardware wrapped around a kernel. They wear a display around their eyes called a terminal and an armor of stone combined with GUIs, or blocks of condensed air. Like other concepts in Fortran, the OS get updated. Part of the updating ritual consists of submerging themselves in a giant pool of wax. When they sleep, the OS, travels to the Land of Hardware, one of the other desert cities. Like the modules, an OS is made of files.


Programs, like Unity, are small cities that span the desert. Modules tend to get created there as well as well as trade their spells. The UI components are made of bricks made of condensed air. UI Design Patterns are urban designers in these cities.

Deep Learning

The Deep Learning frameworks were able to build better models. Models are tiny humanoid creatures. They relate well with the Events and the Numbers.


Some wizards grow up around the GIS, a group of blind hooligans that wear Bands around their eyes as they travel the thermosphere on their motorcycles.

Photograph of GNU, one of the giants of the desert
Photograph of GNU, one of the giants of the desert
NumPy, a wizard from the House of Python, is 1.23.4. Many wizards depend on her accumulated wisdom.
NumPy, a wizard from the House of Python, is 1.23.4. Many wizards depend on her accumulated wisdom.
TensorFlow. His algorithm is partly stored as tattoos which glow blue when he casts ("runs") his spell.
TensorFlow. His algorithm is partly stored as tattoos which glow blue when he casts ("runs") his spell.
A Library is given its first Spec. The Spec lays out a quest for a wizard to find their spell.
A Library is given its first Spec. The Spec lays out a quest for a wizard to find their spell.
Sisters, Float32 and Float64, are Data Types, the gods of the desert.
Sisters, Float32 and Float64, are Data Types, the gods of the desert.
A snapshot of the village of Prolog.
A snapshot of the village of Prolog.