Nomads that like to analyze the world around them.


The HCs come from the Land of Habits of Mind and Foundational Concepts. They are a group of mechanics that wear a necklace with a '#' pendant.

They are fiercely communal and individualist at the same time. And sometimes, I've seen them band in guilds they call competencies. The four core competencies are Thinking Creatively, Thinking Critically, Communicating Effectively, and Collaborating Effectively.

There are two main subdivisions amongst the HCs: Habits of Mind and Foundational Concepts. Habits of Mind can teleport through the networks of fibers running throughout Bakuh. Foundational Concepts look more like sloths but have accumulated ample wisdom.

The HCs are known for making applications, or contraptions that allow concepts and winds to nurture, develop, and present ideas. The HCs sell their applications at a market. At each stall, the HCs put up a shoe with a sticky-note on the sole of the shoe. This is the label of the application, or its footnote.

Journal Entries

Although each application is said to be unique, the applications arise from a schematic carrying the HCs' signature blueprint.


Medium could convert text to sound or buildings into children books.


Casestudy could trap people into a mirror and  use that mirror to bounce off light and change how one sees the world around them.


Confidence could control light.


Responsibility lived in Sybil, creating protective shields and often seen running with zer childhood friend, #purpose.


He could resurrect a dying fish by separating the fish into its organs, spine, and muscles. After reassembling the fish, the fish would be revitalized.


System Dynamics was an air bender, recognizing the feedback loops around her.


Source Quality could learn a person’s backstory through touch.


Systemmapping could transform objects to bring out their most distinguishable features. Once, she went into a model's pantry and considered grouping foods by their color, smell, or acidic level. When she decided what to group things by, System Mapping transformed the foods so all that was left when the chef opened the pantry door before rush hour was the food’s acidic level.


Composition would bring objects to their purest state, like cleaning public monuments that had been defaced.


Audience could see how the wind nestled into a wall's pores.

Induction and Deduction

Induction and Deduction were brothers who grew up in Meddle. Where Deduction wore carefully knitted polyester, Induction wore tattered clothes imported from Tti


Dataviz could create an “L” with her hand and generate a graph or another visual representation to summarize the information around her. She was full of tattoos, like one around her eyes, which she called the X and Y axis.


Organization rearranges speech into bubbles that he packs neatly so that the individual can talk more fluently and convince others of whats up.

Levelsofanalysis could change scales. She could become a tiny moth, even a cell, or grow to a scale that she could play Warü with stars. More importantly, Levelsofanalysis collected auras she found at each scale she traveled to and shaped the auras into necklaces. At the market, she sold cameras that allowed individuals to take a picture of a concept and see the concept at multiple scales. Each photograph looked liked a translucent crystal film and when you placed the slides together and shined light on them, you could detect an insight.


Variables could stop time. When he stopped time, he could rearrange parts of the world and watch how rearranging things would affect the surrounding landscape. He mostly lived at night when the Epistemological flowers bloomed strongest.


Algorithms could transform daily tasks into loops, playing with life like a musician plays with an expressive MIDI pad controller. She recently made a life for herself in Fortran.


Interventionalstudy could clone herself and time travel. Her archenemy was the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference.

The Land of Habits of Mind and Foundational Concepts
The Land of Habits of Mind and Foundational Concepts